Chest Wall Plate, Screws & Splints

Chest wall plates and screws are orthopedic implants used in the surgical treatment of chest wall fractures. The chest wall refers to the bony and cartilaginous structures that form the framework of the chest, including the ribs, sternum, and associated joints. When a fracture occurs in the chest wall, such as a rib fracture or sternum fracture, chest wall plates and screws can be used to stabilize and support the fractured bones during the healing process. These implants provide support and stability during the healing process, minimizing pain and facilitating a quicker recovery.

Chest wall plates are typically made of materials like stainless steel or titanium. They are specifically designed to match the contour and anatomy of the chest wall. The plates have multiple holes along their length, allowing screws to be inserted through the plate and into the fractured bones for fixation.
The specific use of chest wall plates and screws will depend on the individual patient’s condition, the location and severity of the fracture, and the surgeon’s expertise and preference. The choice of implants and the surgical technique may vary accordingly.